
  • Wednesday, August 31st

    Panorama Megaron G Phoenix Atrium A Atrium B Atrium C
    8:00-8:30 Registration
    8:30-9:00 Welcome Session (Organizers, PC Chairs) (Panorama)
    13:00-13:30 Lunch Break
    16:30-17:00 Coffee Break (incl. Posters) (Lobby Area)
    18:30-19:00 Welcome cocktail

  • Thursday, September 1st

    Panorama Megaron G Phoenix Atrium A Atrium B Atrium C
    13:00-13:30 Lunch Break
    16:30-17:00 Coffee Break (incl. Posters) (Lobby Area)
    18:00-23:00 Social Event + Conference Dinner

  • Friday, September 2nd

    Panorama Megaron G Phoenix Atrium A Atrium B Atrium C
    13:00-13:30 Lunch Break
    14:30-15:00 SEAA Work in Progress session (14:30-16:10) DSD Work in Progress session (14:30-16:00)

  • Legend

    SEAA Sessions
    DSD Sessions
    Keynotes and Org.
    Breaks and Social Events

Please click here to download the detailed programme (PDF)


  • Panorama

    Life-Cycle Management
    Session Chair: Dietmar Winkler
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 ALM Tool Data Usage in Software Process Metamodeling, Petr Picha and Premek Brada

    10:30 11:00 Time to Say 'Good Bye': Feature Lifecycle, Aleksander Fabijan, Helena Holmström Olsson and Jan Bosch

    Risk Management & Decision Making Support
    Session Chair: Konstantin Holl
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Supporting Feature Estimation with Risk and Effort Annotations, Simon Grapenthin, Matthias Book, Thomas Richter and Volker Gruhn

    12:00 12:15 Towards Guidelines for Preventing Critical Requirements Engineering Problems, Priscilla Mafra, Marcos Kalinowski, Daniel Méndez Fernández, Stefan Wagner and Michael Felderer

    12:15 12:30 Analyzing Performance Issues of Industrial User Interfaces: Experiences and Results, Claus Klammer, Rudolf Ramler, Mario Winterer and Heinz Stummer

    12:30 13:00 Providing Tool-Support for Value-Based Decision- Making: A Usability Assessment, Vitor Freitas, Emilia Mendes and Burak Turhan

    Software Architecture & Technical Dept
    Session Chair: Rudolf Ramler
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    15:30 16:00 Busting Software Architecture Beliefs: A Survey on Success Factors in Architecture, Decision Making, Jan Salvador van der Ven and Jan Bosch

    16:00 16:15 Technical Debt Management with Genetic Algorithms, Sriharsha Vathsavayi and Kari Systä

    16:15 16:30 Modelling Propagation of Technical Debt, Johannes Holvitie, Sherlock Licorish and Ville Leppänen

    Software Process Improvement
    Session Chair: Michael Felderer
    Session Duration: 17:00-18:00

    17:00 17:15 Mobile Application Quality Assurance: Reading Scenarios as Inspection and Testing Support, Konstantin Holl and Frank Elberzhager

    17:15 17:30 Identifying developers' expertise in social coding platforms, Eleni Constantinou and Georgia Kapitsaki

    17:30 17:45 Continuous Integration and Delivery Traceability in Industry: Needs and Practices, Daniel Ståhl, Kristofer Hallen and Jan Bosch

    17:45 18:00 Continuous, Lean, and Wasteless: Minimizing Lead Time from Development Done to Production Use, Timo Lehtonen, Terhi Kilamo, Sampo Suonsyrjä and Tommi Mikkonen

  • Megaron G

    Empirical Research in Software Management
    Session Chair: Tülin Erçelebi
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 Implementing Continuous Customer Care: First-hand Experiences from an Industrial Setting, Aapo Koski, Kati Kuusinen, Sampo Suonsyrjä and Tommi Mikkonen

    10:30 11:00 Comparing Test and Production Code Quality in a Large Commercial Multicore System, S. Counsell, G. Destefanis, X. Liu, S. Eldh, A. Ermedahl, and K. Andersson

    SM-2 (11:30-12:45)
    Software Measurement
    Session Chair: Lefteris Angelis
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Estimating and Quantifying the Benefits of Refactoring to Improve a Component Modularity: a Case Study, Antonio Martini, Erik Sikander and Niel Madlani

    12:00 12:30 A Validation of a Measurement Based E-government Portals’ Maturity Model, Abdoullah Fath-Allah, Laila Cheikhi, Rafa Al-Qutaish and Idri Ali

    12:30 12:45 A Case Study on the Utilization of Problem and Solution Domain Measures for Software Size Estimation, Tülin Erçelebi Ayyildiz and Altan Kocyigit

    Theory and Concepts in Startup Research
    Session Chair: Michel Chaudron
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    15:30 16:00 MVP Explained: A Systematic Mapping Study on the Definitions of Minimal Viable Product, Valentina Lenarduzzi and Davide Taibi

    16:00 16:30 Towards an early stage software startups evolution model, Anh Nguyen Duc, Pekka Abrahamsson and Syed Muhammad Ali Shah

    SE4SU-2 (17:00-17:45)
    Lessons Learned from Startup case studies
    Session Chair: Michel Chaudron
    Session Duration: 17:00-18:00

    17:00 17:30 Product Innovation through Internal Startup in Large Software Companies: a Case Study, Henry Edison, Xiaofeng Wang and Pekka Abrahamsson

    17:30 17:45 The Fall and Rise of NimBees, Javier Berrocal, Jose García-Alonso and Juan Manuel Murillo

  • Phoenix

    Knowledge Management
    Session Chair: Steve Counsell
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 Systematic Mapping Study of Dealing with Error in Software Development Effort Estimation, Idri Ali and El Koutbi Salma

    10:30 11:00 Bayesian Synthesis for Knowledge Translation in Software Engineering: Method and Illustration, Deepika Badampudi and Claes Wohlin

    Model-based Development
    Session Chair: Martin Höst
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Modeling IoT Applications with SysML4IoT, Bruno Costa, Paulo Pires and Flávia Delicato

    12:00 12:30 A Property Model Ontology, SŽverine Sentilles, Efi Papatheocharous, Federico Ciccozzi and Kai Petersen.

    12:30 13:00 Handling Uncertainty in Automatically Generated Implementation Models in the Automotive Domain, Alessio Bucaioni, Antonio Cicchetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Saad Mubeen, Alfonso Pierantonio and Mikael Sjšdin

    Session Chair: Michael Felderer
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    15:30 16:00 Literature Review of Empirical Research Studies within the Domain of Acceptance Testing, Johannes Weiss, Ingo Richter Ingo Richter, Peter Mandl

    16:00 16:30 A systematic literature review and a unified model of ATD, Terese Besker, Antonio Martini and Jan Bosch

    Software and Education Ecosystems
    Session Chair: Erwin Schoitsch
    Session Duration: 17:00-18:00

    17:00 17:30 Modelling and Certifying Safety for Cyber-Physical Systems - An educational experiment, Xabier Larrucea

    17:30 18:00 Collaborative Innovation: A Model For Selecting The Optimal Ecosystem Innovation Strategy, Helena Holmström Olsson and Jan Bosch

  • Atrium A

    DTFT -1
    Dependability, Testing and Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems -1
    Session Chair: Andreas Steininger
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Boolean Difference based Reliability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Circuit Structures on FPGAs, Jahanzeb Anwer and Marco Platzner

    The Effect of the Transient Faults in Dependability Prediction, Martin Daňhel, Filip Štěpánek and Hana Kubátová

    EPDSD -1
    European Projects in Digital System Design - 1
    Session Chair: Lech Jozwiak
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    A software stack for next-generation automotive systems on many-core heterogeneous platforms, Paolo Burgio, Marko Bertogna, Ignacio Sanudo Olmedo, Paolo Gai, Andrea Marongiu and Michal Sojka

    The ExaNeSt Project: Interconnects, Storage, and Packaging for Exascale Systems, Manolis Katevenis, Nikolaos Chrysos, Manolis Marazakis, Iakovos Mavroidis, Fabien Chaix, Nikolaos Kallimanis, Javier Navaridas, John Goodacre, Piero Vicini, Andrea Biagioni, Peter Hopton, Paul Coates, Giuliano Taffoni, Stefano Cozzini, Martin Kersten, Ying Zhang, Julio Sahuquillo, Sergio Lechago, Christian Pinto, Bernd Lietzow, Daniel Everett and Gino Perna

    The M2DC Project: Modular Microserver DataCentre, Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Micha Vor Dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann, Stefan Krupop, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Cinkelj, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, Rene' Griessl, Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Loic Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean-Marc Philippe, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Chris Adeniyi-Jones and Udo Janssen

    A Model-driven Approach for Validating Safe Adaptive Behaviors, Mahmoud Hussein, Réda Nouacer and Ansgar Radermacher

    Session Chair: Dimitrios Serpanos
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    Evaluation of Synchronous Dataflow Graph Mappings onto Distributed Memory Architectures, Youen Lesparre, Jean-Marc Delosme and Alix Munier

    149: NS-SRAM: Neighborhood Solidarity SRAM For Reliability Enhancement of SRAM Memories, Ihsen Alouani, Hamzeh Ahangari, Ozcan Ozturk and Smail Niar

    Design of Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems - 1
    Session Chair: Marc Geilen
    Session Duration: 17:00-18:00

    A Low Latency and Energy Efficient Communication Architecture for Heterogeneous Long-Short Range Communication, Fayçal Ait Aoudia, Michele Magno, Matthieu Gautier, Olivier Berder and Luca Benini

    The AirSpeck Family of Static and Mobile Wireless Air Quality Monitors
    D. K. Arvind, Janek Mann, Andrew Bates, and Konstantin Kotsev

    A Fast Estimator of Performance with respect to the Design Parameters of Self Re-entrant Flowshops, Umar Waqas, Marc Geilen, Sander Stuijk, Joost Van Pinxten, Twan Basten, Lou Somers and Henk Corporaal

  • Atrium B

    Reconfigurable Computing - 1
    Session Chair: Miguel Figueroa
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Automated design flow for bitstream relocation on Xilinx FPGAs, André Lalevée, Pierre-Henri Horrein, Matthieu Arzel, Michael Huebner and Sandrine Vaton

    A configurable test-processor for board-level testing, Jorge Hernan Meza Escobar, Steffen Ostendorff and Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke

    Code generation for reconfigurable explicit datapath architectures with LLVM, Michaël Adriaansen, Mark Wijtvliet, Roel Jordans, Luc Waeijen and Henk Corporaal

    Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications - 1
    Session Chair: Paris Kitsos
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Fast and Reliable PUF Response Evaluation from Unsettled Bistable Rings, Robert Hesselbarth and Georg Sigl

    RTL Implementations and FPGA Benchmarking of Three Authenticated Ciphers Competing in CAESAR Round Two, William Diehl and Kris Gaj

    X25519 Hardware Implementation for Low-Latency Applications, Philipp Koppermann, Fabrizio De Santis, Johann Heyszl and Georg Sigl

    Flexible FPGA-Based Architectures for Curve Point Multiplication over GF(p), Dorian Amiet, Andreas Curiger and Paul Zbinden

    Image and Multimedia Applications
    Session Chair: Amund Skavhaug
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    A MAC-Enabled High-Performance Low-Power SIMD Architecture, Tong Geng, Luc Waeijen, Maurice Peemen, Henk Corporaal and Yifan He

    Video SIMDBench: Benchmarking the compiler vectorization for multimedia applications, Michail Alvanos and Pedro Trancoso
    Digital Design
    Session Chair: Jeong-A Lee
    Session Duration: 17:00-18:00

    Dynamic hardware management of the H264/AVC encoder control structure using a framework for system scenarios, Yahya Hussain Yassin, Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, Andrew Perkis and Francky Catthoor

    Flexible, Cost-Efficient, High-Throughput Architecture for Layered LDPC Decoders with Fully-Parallel Processing Units, Thien Truong Nguyen-Ly, Tushar Gupta, Manuel Pezzin, Valentin Savin, David Declercq and Sorin Cotofana

    Design of Efficient 1’s Complement Modified Booth Multiplier, Kiamal Pekmestzi and Costas Efstathiou

    112: QC-LDPC Gear-Like Decoder Architecture with Multi-Domain Quantization, Oana Boncalo

  • Atrium C

    System Design for the Smart Grid - 1
    Session Chair: Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Design of an Event-Driven Residential Demand Response Infrastructure, Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen, Armin Ghasem Azar and Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid

    A Formal Framework for Modeling Smart Grid Applications: Demand Response Case Study, Armin Ghasem Azar, Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid and Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen

    Systems and Networks on Chip
    Session Chair: Alistair McEwan
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    SlideAcross: A Low-latency Adaptive Router for Chip Multi-processor, Wen Zong, Liang Wang, Qiang Xu and Michael Opoku Agyemen

    CirKet: A Performance Efficient Hybrid Switching Mechanism for NoC Architectures, Mohamad Fallahrad and Ahmad Patooghy

    Fault Tolerant Deadlock-free Adaptive Routing Algorithms for Hexagonal Networks-on-Chip, Sadia Moriam and Gerhard Fettweis

    Adaptive Networks-on-Chip Routing with Fuzzy Logic Control, Konstantinos Tatas and Chrysostomos Chrysostomou

    Embedded and Real Time systems - 1
    Session Chair: Réda Nouacer
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    Embedded multimodal registration of visible images on long-wave infrared video in real time, Fabian Inostroza, Javier Cardenas, Sebastian Godoy and Miguel Figueroa

    An embedded hardware architecture for real-time super-resolution in infrared cameras, Rodofo Redlich, Luis Araneda, Antonio Saavedra and Miguel Figueroa

    HTCC: Haskell to Handel-C Hardware Compiler, Ahmed Ablak and Issam Damaj

  • DSD Poster Session 1 (Wednesday, August 31st - 11:00-11:30)

    Probing Approximate TMR in Error Resilient Applications for Better Design Tradeoffs
    Tooba Arifeen, Abdus Sami Hassan, Hossein Moradian, and Jeong A. Lee

    Using timing-driven inter-FPGA routing for multi-FPGA prototyping exploration, Umer Farooq, Roselyne Chotin-Avot and Habib Mehrez

    Novel FPGA-based low-cost hardware architecture for the PRESENT block cipher, Carlos Andres Lara Nino, Miguel Morales-Sandoval and Arturo Diaz Perez

    Unum: Adaptive Floating-Point Arithmetic, Enric Morancho

    Synthesis of Multiple-valued Logical Networks for FPGA Implementations, Stanisław Deniziak, Mariusz Wiśniewski and Karol Wieczorek

    Test Decompressor Effectivity Improvement, Ondřej Novák, Jiří Jeníček and Martin Rozkovec

    On Power-Analysis Resistant Hardware Implementations of ECC-Based Cryptosystems, Roman Willi, Andreas Curiger and Paul Zbinden

    Please note the following information:
    - Maximum poster size is 80 cm x 120 cm. This is similar to A0 portrait (not landscape), but narrower. Please keep the poster width below 80 cm.
    - The posters will be posted to a glass surface. (The organization will provide tape for that purpose)


  • Panorama

    Autonomous Systems
    Session Chair: Christian Berger
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 Leveraging Collective Run-time Adaptation for UAV-based Systems, Darko Bozhinoski, Antonio Bucchiarone, Ivano Malavolta, Annapaola Marconi and Patrizio Pelliccione

    10:30 10:45 Mathematical Test Effort Estimation for Dependability Assessment of Sensor-based Driver Assistance Systems, Florian Bock, Sebastian Siegl and Reinhard German

    Software Testing & Test Automation
    Session Chair: Helena Holmström Olsson
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Harnessing Automated Test Case Generators for GUI Testing in Industry, Claus Klammer, Rudolf Ramler and Heinz Stummer

    12:00 12:15 Specifying executable or nonexecutable acceptance test cases for event processing applications, Johannes Weis, Alexander Schill

    12:15 12:30 Application of Mahalanobis-Taguchi Method and 0-1 Programming Method to Cost-Effective Regression Testing, Hirohisa Aman, Yuta Tanaka, Takashi Nakano, Hideto Ogasawara and Minoru Kawahara

    12:30 12:45 Evidence-based Timelines for Software Process Improvement Retrospectives:A Case Study for Integrating User eXperience Practices into Software Development, Pariya Kashfi, Robert Feldt, Agneta Nilsson and Richard Berntsson Svensson

    Industrial Control and IoT
    Session Chair: Karl-Erwin Großpietsch
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    15:30 16:00 Kiuas: IoT Cloud Environment for Enabling the Programmable World, Petri Selonen and Antero Taivalsaari

    16:00 16:30 Software Containers for Industrial Control, Thomas Goldschmidt and Stefan Hauck-Stattelmann

  • Megaron G

    Embedded Software Requirements and Analysis
    Session Chair: Etienne Borde
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 Combining Requirements, Use Case Maps and AADL Models for Safety-Critical Systems Design, Dominique Blouin and Holger Giese

    10:30 11:00 Analysing and Modelling the On-chip Traffic of Parallel Applications, Thomas Canhao Xu, Ville Leppänen and Jonne Pohjankukka

    Software Engineering in Automotive and Industry
    Session Chair: Etienne Borde
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Modeling of End-to-end Resource Reservations in Component-based Vehicular Embedded Systems, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, Thomas Nolte, John Lundbäck, Mattias Gålnander and Kurt-Lennart Lundbäck

    12:00 12:30 Pruning Architectural Models of Automotive Embedded Systems via Dependency Analysis, Raluca Marinescu, Saad Mubeen and Cristina Seceleanu

    12:30 13:00 Exploring Test Overlap in System Integration: An Industrial Case Study, Daniel Flemström, Wasif Afzal and Daniel Sundmark

  • Atrium A

    System Design for the Smart Grid - 2

    Session Chair: Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Multi-modal Building Energy Management System for Residential Demand Response, Sergi Rotger-Griful, Ubbe Welling and Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen

    128: Model-Driven Design Approach for Building Smart Grid Applications, Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid, Martin Valov and Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen

    CoFELS: Conceptual Framework for Electricity Load Shifting System Design, Jung Min Kim, Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen and Robert S. Brewer

    European Projects in Digital System Design - 3
    Session chair: Gustavo Marrero Callico
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    OPERA: a Low Power Approach to the Next Generation Cloud Infrastructures, Alberto Scionti, Olivier Terzo and Pietro Ruiu

    Synthesis and Performance Optimization of a Switching Nano-crossbar Computer, Dan Alexandrescu, Mustafa Altun, Lorena Anghel, Anna Bernasconi, Valentina Ciriani, Luca Frontini and Mehdi Tahoori

    Efficiency Modeling and Analysis of 64-bit ARM Clusters for HPC, Joël Wanza Weloli, Sébastien Bilavarn, Said Derradji, Cécile Belleudy and Sylvie Lesmanne

    Luminous tiles: a new smart device for buildings and architectures, Tullio Facchinetti, Guido Benetti, Alessandro Tramonte, Luca Carraro, Mauro Benedetti, Enrico Randone, Marcello Simonetta, Giorgio Capelli and Guido Giuliani

    ETCS – Emerging Technologies and Circuit Synthesis
    Session Chair: Odysseas Koufopavlou
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    Stochastic Event-based Architecture for Bayesian Online Change Point, Andreas Andreou and Tomas Figliolia

    Quantum Machine Learning Based on Minimizing Kronecker-Reed-Muller Forms and Grover Search Algorithm with Hybrid Oracles, Bryan Lee and Marek Perkowski

    Logic Synthesis for Switching Lattices by Decomposition with P-Circuits, Anna Bernasconi, Valentina Ciriani, Luca Frontini, Valentino Liberali, Gabriella Trucco and Tiziano Villa

  • Atrium B

    Design of Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems - 2
    Session chair: Marc Geilen
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Wind Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks, Adnant Jushi, Alain Pegatoquet and Trong-Nhan Le

    A Reliable MAC for Energy-Efficient WSNs in the Era of IoT, Philip Parsch and Alejandro Masrur

    Using SystemC Cyber Models in an FMI Co-Simulation Environment: Results and Proposed FMI Enhancements, Stefano Centomo, Julien Deantoni and Robert De Simone

    Dependability, Testing and Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems - 2
    Session chair: Hana Kubatova
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Pre-emptive Garbage Collection for SSD RAID, Muhammed Ziya Komsul and Alistair Mcewan

    Efficient Checkpointing-Based Safety-Verification Flow Using Compiled-Code Simulation, Bogdan-Andrei Tabacaru, Moomen Chaari, Wolfgang Ecker, Thomas Kruse and Cristiano Novello

    Does Cascading Schmitt-Trigger Stages Improve the Metastable Behavior?, Andreas Steininger, Robert Najvirt and Jürgen Maier

    Regression Test Suites Optimization for Application-specific Instruction-set Processors and Their Use for Dependability Analysis, Marcela Zachariasova, Zdenek Kotasek and Michaela Kekelyova-Belesova

    Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications - 2
    Session chair: Robert Lorencz
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    Remote Dynamic Clock Reconfiguration based Attacks on Internet of Things Applications, Anju Johnson, Sikhar Patranabis, Rajat Subhra Chakraborty and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

    Secured Miniaturized System-in-Package Contactless and Passive Authentication Devices featuring NFC, Juergen Schilling, Walther Pachler, Bernhard Roitner, Thomas Ruprechter, Holger Bock, Gerald Holweg and Norbert Druml

    Cylindrical Reconvergence Physical Unclonable Function, Rodrigo Surita, Mario Côrtes, Diego Aranha and Guido Araujo

  • Atrium C

    European Projects in Digital System Design - 2
    Session chair: Francesco Leporati
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    PROXIMA: Improving Measurement-Based Timing Analysis through Randomisation and Probabilistic Analysis, Francisco J Cazorla, Jaume Abella, Jan Anderson, Tullio Vardanega, Francis Vatrinet, Iain Bate, Ian Broster, Mikel Azkarate-Askasua, Franck Wartel, Liliana Cucu, Fabrice Cros, Glenn Farrall, Adriana Gogonel, Andrea Gianarro, Benoît Triquet, Carles Hernandez, Code Lo, Cristian Maxim, David Morales, Eduardo Quiñones, Enrico Mezzetti, Leonidas Kosmidis, Irune Agirre, Mikel Fernandez, Mladen Slijepcevic, Philippa Conmy and Walid Talaboulma

    CONTREX: Design of embedded mixed-criticality CONTRol systems under consideration of EXtra-functional properties, Ralph Görgen, Kim Grüttner, Fernando Herrera, Gianluca Palermo, William Fornaciari, Carlo Brandolese, Davide Gadioli, Sara Bocchio, Luca Ceva, Paolo Azzoni, Massimo Poncino, Sara Vinco, Enrico Macii, Salvatore Cusenza, John Favaro, Raul Valencia, Ingo Sander, Kathrin Rosvall, Davide Quaglia, Pablo Peñil, Julio Medina and Eugenio Villar

    SAFEPOWER project: Architecture for Safe and Power-Efficient Mixed-Criticality Systems, Alina Lenz, Mikel Azkarate-Askasua Blázquez, Javier Coronel, Alfons Crespo, Simon Davidmann, Juan Carlos Diaz Garcia, Nera González Romero, Kim Grüttner, Roman Obermaisser, Johnny Öberg, Jon Perez, Ingo Sander and Ingemar Söderquist

    Mixed Criticality System Design, Implementation and Analysis
    Session chair: Eugenio Villar
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Introducing Utilization Caps into Mixed-Criticality Scheduling, Mitra Mahdiani and Alejandro Masrur

    A Realistic Approach to a Network-on-Chip Cross-Domain Pattern, Asier Larrucea Ortube, Hamidreza Ahmadian, Roman Obermaisser, Jon Perez and Carlos Fernando Nicolas

    pTNoC: Probabilistically Time-Analyzable Tree-Based NoC for Mixed-Criticality Systems, Mladen Slijepcevic, Mikel Fernandez, Carles Hernandez, Jaume Abella, Eduardo Quiñones and Francisco J Cazorla

    Embedded and Real Time systems - 2
    Session chair: Alistair McEwan
    Session Duration: 15:30-16:30

    Resolving Performance Interference in SR-IOV Setups with PCIe Quality-of-Service Extensions, Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Thomas Wild and Andreas Herkersdorf

    Using Model-Based Testing for Manufacturing and Integration-Testing of Embedded Control Systems, Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Kreiner

    132: Improved Task Scheduler for Dual-Core Real-Time Systems, Lukas Kohutka and Viera Stopjaková

  • DSD Poster Session 2 (Thursday, September 1st- 11:00-11:30)

    Polynomial based NUC implemented on FPGA, Martin Rozkovec and Jiří Čech

    A Library to Model and Configure Large Regular Structures in SystemC, Christian Amstutz and Oliver Sander

    TERO-based Detection of Hardware Trojans on FPGA Implementation of the AES Algorithm, Paris Kitsos, Kyriakos Stefanidis and Artemios Voyiatzis

    Device Context Classification for Mobile Power Consumption Reduction, Ismat Yahia Chaib Draa, Maroua Nouiri, Smail Niar and Abdelghani Bekrar

    Low-Cost Platform-Independent FPGA Based Real-Time Systems Tester, Amund Skavhaug, Diaa Jadaan and Kyrre Gonsholt

    Enhanced duplication method\\with TMR-like masking abilities, Pavel Vít, Jaroslav Borecký, Hana Kubatova and Martin Kohlík

    Design and Physical Implementation of a Target ASIC for SET Experiments, Varadan Savulimedu Veeravalli and Andreas Steininger

    Temperature dependence of ROPUF on FPGA, Filip Kodýtek, Róbert Lórencz, Jiří Buček and Simona Buchovecká

    Please note the following information:
    - Maximum poster size is 80 cm x 120 cm. This is similar to A0 portrait (not landscape), but narrower. Please keep the poster width below 80 cm.
    - The posters will be posted to a glass surface. (The organization will provide tape for that purpose)


  • Panorama

    Product Lines
    Session Chair: Steve Counsell
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    10:00 10:30 Functional Safety in Product Lines - A Systematic Mapping Study, Stephan Baumgart and Joakim Fršberg
    10:30 11:00 On the Dependability for Dynamic Software Product Lines - A Comparative Systematic Mapping Study, Jane Eleuterio, Felipe Gaia, Andrea Bondavalli, Paolo Lollini, Genaina Rodrigues and Cecilia Rubira

    Advancing Business Process Management
    Session Chair: Werner Schmidt
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Automating BPMN Interchange Testing, Matthias Kurz
    12:00 12:30 AAISP: An Approach for Aligning Information Systems Perspectives, Stefanie Betz, Susan Hickl, Andreas Oberweis
    12:30 12:45 It is all about the Interface: Factors which Drive Process Interface Criticality in Organizations, Matthias Lederer, Laura Heider

  • Megaron G

    Estimation and Prediction in Software and Systems Engineering (EsPreSSE)
    Session Chair: Dietmar Winkler
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    11:30 12:00 Managing the Uncertainty of Bias-Variance Tradeoff in Software Predictive Analytics, Nikolaos Mittas and Lefteris Angelis
    12:00 12:15 Requirements for Integrating Defect Prediction and Risk-based Testing, Rudolf Ramler and Michael Felderer
    12:15 12:30 Automated Bug Triaging in an Industrial Context, Bruno Rossi and Václav Dedík
    12:30 12:45 A Replication Study: Where and When Should Defects be Re-Assigned, Tamer Abdou and Ayse Bener

  • Atrium A

    Dependability, Testing and Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems - 3
    Session chair: Marcela Zachariasova
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    A Majority-Based Reliability-Aware Task-Mapping in High-Performance Homogenous NoC Architectures, Alireza Namazi, Meisam Abdollahi, Saeed Safari and Siamak Mohammadi

    72: Verification of Robot Controller for Evaluating Impacts of Faults in Electro-mechanical Systems, Jakub Podivinsky, Ondrej Cekan, Jakub Lojda and Zdenek Kotasek

    Error Correction Method Based On The Short-Duration Offline Test, Jan Bělohoubek, Petr Fišer and Jan Schmidt

    ASHWPA -Advanced Systems in Healthcare, Wellness and Personal Assistance
    Session chair: Francesco Leporati
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Low-Power Online ECG Analysis Using Neural Networks
    Mehdi Modarressi, Ali Yasoubi, and Maryam Modarressi

    Ultra-Low Power Estimation of Heart Rate Under Physical Activity Using a Wearable PhotoPlethysmoGraphic System, Elisabetta De Giovanni, Srinivasan Murali, Francisco Rincon and David Atienza

    Energy Modeling and Architecture Exploration for Emotion Detection Systems, Chaka Koné, Cécile Belleudy and Nhan Le-Thanh

    41: A Control of Electric Wheelchair Using an EMG Based on Degree of Muscular Activity, Chiharu Ishii and Ryoichi Konishi

  • Atrium B

    Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications - 3
    Session chair: Odysseas Koufopavlou
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    Testability based Metric for Hardware Trojan Vulnerability Assessment, Sayandeep Saha, Rajat Subhra Chakraborty and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

    HLS-based Methodology for Fast Iterative Development Applied to Elliptic Curve Arithmetic, Simon Pontié, Alban Bourge, Adrien Prost-Boucle, Paolo Maistri, Olivier Muller, Régis Leveugle and Frédéric Rousseau

    True Random Number Generator based on ROPUF circuit, Simona Buchovecka, Robert Lorencz, Filip Kodytek and Jiri Bucek

    Reconfigurable Computing-2
    Session chair: Ondrej Novak
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Elastic Management and QoS Provisioning Scheme for Adaptable Multi-core Protocol Processing Architecture, Mohammad Badawi, Zhonghai Lu and Ahmed Hemani

    High-Performance FPGA Architecture for Multi-Line Beamforming in Ultrasound Applications, Valentino Meacci, Luca Bassi, Stefano Ricci, Enrico Boni and Piero Tortoli

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture with Atomic Configuration Updates for Flexible Regular Expressions Matching in FPGA, Vlastimil Košař and Jan Korenek

    Multi-Granular Arithmetic in a Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architecture, Stef Louwers, Luc Waeijen, Mark Wijtvliet, Ruud Koolen and Henk Corporaal

  • Atrium C

    European Projects in Digital System Design - 3
    Session chair: Lech Jozwiak
    Session Duration: 10:00-11:00

    The EMC2 Project on Embedded Microcontrollers: Technical Progress after two years, Werner Weber, Alfred Hoess, Frank Oppenheimer, Norbert Druml, Erwin Schoitsch, Sascha Uhrig and Mark van Helvoort

    The SafeCOP ECSEL Project--Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication, Paul Pop, Detlef Scholle, Hans Hansson, Gunnar Widforss and Malin Rosqvist

    AXIOM: A Hardware-Software Platform for Cyber Physical Systems, Somnath Mazumdar, Eduard Ayguade, Nicola Bettin, Javier Bueno, Sara Ermini, Antonio Filgueras, Daniel Jiminez-Gonzalez, Carlos Alvarez Martinez, Xavier Martorell, Francesco Montefoschi, David Oro, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Antonio Rizzo, Dimitris Theodoropoulos and Roberto Giorgi

    Architectures and Systems for Automotive and Intelligent Transportation
    Session chair: Smail Niar
    Session Duration: 11:30-13:00

    Adaptive Control of the Heating System for Optimized Energy Consumption in Electric Vehicles, Rhea Valentina, Alexander Viehl, Oliver Bringmann and Wolfgang Rosenstiel

    Braking in Close Following Platoons: The Law of the Weakest, Dharshan Krishna Murthy and Alejandro Masrur

    V2I Cooperation for Traffic Management with SafeCOP, Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Stefano Delucchi, Massimo Massa, Maurizio Mongelli, Enrico Ferrari, Leonardo Napoletani, Luciano Bozzi, Carlo Tieri, Dajana Cassioli and Luigi Pomante

    SecUp: Secure and Efficient Wireless Software Updates for Vehicles
    Marco Steger, Carlo Boano, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand, Werner Rom and Kay Römer

  • DSD Poster Session 3 (Friday, September 2nd- 11:00-11:30)

    5: Testing for Intermittent Resistive Faults in CMOS Integrated Systems, Hans G. Kerkhoff and Hassan Ebrahimi

    Verifying Linear Temporal Logic Properties in UML/OCL Class Diagrams using Filmstripping, Frank Hilken and Martin Gogolla

    An Interactive Design Space Exploration Tool for Dependable Integrated Circuits, Stefan Scharoba and Heinrich T. Vierhaus

    Model-Based Evaluation Of System Scalability: Bandwidth Analysis For Smartphone-Based Bioimpedance Applications, François Patou, Maria Dimaki, Winnie E. Svendsen and Jan Madsen

    Implementation of a Boolean Masking Scheme for the SCREAM Cipher, William Diehl and Kris Gaj

    An Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Processor for Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems, Martin Villemur, Tomas Figliola, Pedro Julian and Andreas Andreou

    Please note the following information:
    - Maximum poster size is 80 cm x 120 cm. This is similar to A0 portrait (not landscape), but narrower. Please keep the poster width below 80 cm.
    - The posters will be posted to a glass surface. (The organization will provide tape for that purpose)

    Work in Progress session

    SEAA Work in Progress session (Friday, September 2, 14:30-16:10)

    Session Chair: Konrad Kloeckner

    Lucas Gren, Using the Agile Adoption Framework to Assess Agility and Guide Improvements

    Sousuke Amasaki, Yuto Miyake, A Preliminary Survey on Evaluation Procedures in Cross-Company Defect Prediction Studies

    Krasimir Baylov, Aleksandar Dimov, Reference Architecture for Self-Adaptive Microservice Systems

    Janusz Sosnowski, Pawel Janczarek, Bartosz Dobrzynski, Exploring Problem Repositories in Software Projects

    Farshad Saeidi, Farzad Sanati, Embedded System in Software Products

    Stanislav Chren, Barbora Buhnova, Bruno Rossi, Identification of Reliability Bottlenecks in Smart Cities

    Jan Bosch, Helena Holmström Olsson, Towards Automated A/B/n Testing in Families of Smart Systems

    Christian Berger, Ola Benderus, Encapsulated Software Build Environments on the example of a Self-Driving Heavy Vehicle

    Alessio Bucaioni, Antonio Cichetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Saad Mubeen, Alfonso Pierantonio, Mikael Sjödin, Towards Design-Space Exploration of Component Chains in Vehicle Software

    Kai Höfig, Marc Zeller, SpARTA – State-Aware Fault Tree Analysis

    DSD Work in Progress session (Friday, September 2, 14:30-16:00)

    Session Chair: Erwin Grosspietsch

    Soeren Aagaard Mikkelsen, Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen, NLM-Based Authorization Framework for Improved User Content

    Ievgen Kabin, Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Christian Wittke, Dan Kreiser, Zoya Dyka, Peter Langendoerfer, On the Influence of Hardware Technologies on the Vulnerability of Protected ECC Implementations

    Calypso Barnes, Jean-Marie Cottin, Francois Verdier, Alain Pegatoquet, Daniel Gaffé, Developing a Framework Dedicated to Wireless Protocol Property Validation during Simulation

    Carlos Andrés Lara-Nino, Arturo Díaz-Pérez, Miguel Morales-Sandoval, Energy Efficient Security Module Configurations for Sensor Nodes

    Martin Krcma, Zdenek Kotasek, Jakub Lojda, Jan Kastil, Comparison of FPNNs Approximation Capabilities

    Alexandru Amaricai, Towards a Template Based CPU-FPGA Acceleration Framework for Irregular Parallel Applications

    Mohammad Azimi, Mehdi Modarressi, Proactive Network-on-Chip Path Setup for Message Passing Programs

    Christian Schöler, René Krenz-Baath, Roman Obermaisser, A Dominator-Based Partitioning for Efficient Scheduling in Time-Triggered NoCs



Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece